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500-30 Series Military PLB
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제품 상세 사양 Product specification

500-30 Series Military PLB

500 30
The 500-30 is the smallest and most robust Techtest PLB, providing aircrew with a 406 beacon fully compatible with the COSPAS-SARSAT system. The unique design of the 500-30 allows it to be fully configurable to the user’s requirements. As standard, the beacon will transmit the 406 MHz message with embedded GPS and the 121.5MHz / 243MHz homing frequencies to provide rescue teams with greater location accuracy. The beacon features lanyard activation, an integrated antenna, additional RF port and a user replaceable battery.

406 MHz
121.5 MHz  
243 MHz
Activation & Accessories L, WS, GSL, WS, GS, ESL, WS, GS, ESL, WS, GS, F

KEY: WS - Water Switch / GS - G-Switch / F - Float / L - Lanyard / ES - Ejection Seat

500-30 Brochure Download